Oreana Elementary School


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 12/15/22 10:30pm
Bid Date 1/5/23 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Midwest Engineering Professionals
Ryan Holmes  


Argenta, Illinois

Argenta Oreana CUSD #1, hereinafter called Owner, will receive sealed bids, in duplicate, at District offices of Argenta Oreana CUSD #1 located at 500 North Main Street, Argenta, IL 62501, on Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. prevailing time, for the Argenta Oreana CUSD #1 2023 Partial Roof Replacement at Argenta Oreana Elementary School, including labor, tools, equipment, materials and services for construction. Bids will be opened publicly and read.

Pre-bid Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. at Argenta Oreana Elementary School. For meeting location assistance, contact Mr. Damian Jones at 217-795-2313.

WORK consists generally of removal and replacement of portions of the existing roof assembly at Argenta Oreana Elementary School (approximately 10,950 square feet). Allowance for patch and repair work is also to be included.

Bids will be received for completion of entire project under a single prime contract. Substantial completion date is Friday, August 11, 2023.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid security consisting of a bid bond or certified check made payable to the Owner, in the amount of 5% of the bid sum. Performance and Payment bonds will be required.

Commencement of the work on the project shall be subject to the discretion of the Board of Education, ARGENTA OREANA CUSD #1, ARGENTA, ILLINOIS. The Owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to accept any or reject all bids when in the opinion of the Owner, such action will serve the best interest of the Owner. The Owner anticipates a letter of intent to award the contract on Tuesday, January 10, 2023.